This summer has been full and very busy! But here are a few things that have been happening...
To keep with the "open door policy" that we have, we tore our door out. You may now enter any time, unannounced, and don't even have to knock!...oh wait- that already happens! ;) We replaced the leaking back door and no longer have to mop up the floor after every rain storm.
It is nice having men in our house that can fix just about anything!
The "after" picture didn't make it onto the computer....
This of course was a while ago....PEAS!
We have planted, harvested, blanched, and bagged numerous freezer bags of precious peas and beans!
Our trusty tractor helped ready the ground. Our orange tractor is on the waiting list for surgical procedure ;)
Apparently tractors enjoy breaking right before we need them most. This is the riding lawn mower that was down for the count until the ordered part came muscles still ache from raking the whole front lawn!
Old Sturbridge Village is one of our favorite places to visit! We went on the fourth of July and enjoyed hearing the Declaration of Independence.
This is probably one of the reasons that we enjoy going to OSV so much....we feel right at home ;)
We had a hard time getting dad away from this beautiful calf. ;)
'Tis the season...for grapes! These grow along the back boarder line of our property- entwined up and down the trees and other brush back there. Not the greatest to pop into the mouth and savor, but they make wonderful grape jelly!
Our 'guaranteed' pullets ended up having a surprise in the package! Yes, this is a rooster. He is beautiful and proud, but we want eggs not baby chicks! Anyone interesting in having a rooster pecking around in their back yard? ;) |
Our beautiful dog is looking for a boy friend ;) We are looking into breeding Tessa only one thing missing- a male purebred Border Collie. We'd like to breed her with some dog in the area if it is at all possible, but if not anyone know of a suitable mate? ;)
Well, that was a nutshell of what has been going on! Sorry there aren't that many pictures of the family! If your interested in our ministry at the church check out our church blog! That is where most of our time is spent- ministering to those in Auburn and the adjoining towns!
(church blog is soon to be updated!)