Team work is how it gets done!

I believe these are pepper plants.

Noah cooling off the dog. ;]

There's nothing like cold lemonade after working hard in the garden on a hot day.

This nifty gadget is a planter.
I asked dad what vegetables Grandpa Kinney had used it for and he replied: "Mostly turnip."
I guess Grandpa would have to have a tool to plant so much turnip....
No wonder dad hates turnip. ;]

After a long winter there's nothing like feeling the dirt under your feet.

Yeah. . . mom doesn't like it as much when we go inside with dirty feet ;]

The men! My brothers are growing up so much!
Leroy is way taller then me and Caleb isn't far behind!
Planting/Gardening is one of our favorite things to do together as a family. Its not only the sweat, manual labor, working together, and getting dirty; but its the wonderful outcome of what the plants produce. To see that tiny seed go into the ground then with water and nurturing (and a whole lot of weeding) it springs up and produces fruit. . . and vegetables. ;]
We pray that our efforts here on earth produce as much fruit for His glory.