More pictures of the farm! It was one of the coldest nights we have had yet at the barn! There were some frozen toes, numb fingers and red noses, but it was a great night!

Tee Jay (left) found her new crush, Mac (right)


(All blurriness to the pictures below were caused from the dirt being kicked up in the arena)

Amelia was able to teach the riding class under the supervision of Liz, a licensed instructor.

Alyssa was able to ride at the beginning of the class.

Coralie working hard in the tack room, telling me to quit obsessing over taking pictures and to get to work! Just kidding - she was telling me to not take this picture and put it on the blog. ;)
I love my Mac and TJ!! I love that pic Mia!!
Go Cora! Go Cora! Whoo Whoo! .lol. Great job Coralie!!
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